Person: Kate Dungate

<p>Kate Dungate</p>

Why we need EDV

Even though social media is thoroughly embedded in voters’ culture we have yet to come up with an engaging, interactive way to share our feedback on election debates, but perhaps all that is about to change. The Election Debate Visualisation (EDV) project – a collaboration between KMi and the University of Leeds has created an…

Successful collaboration with Chinese university

This month we said farewell to Zhou Rui who came to visit KMi for several months from Anhui Radio and TV University, China. Zhou came over from his home faculty of Educational Technology to work on OU Analyse. His research interests, which include data mining and data analysis, meant that he provided useful support for…

Volunteers rate the debate

Yesterday a user group had the opportunity to test out a prototype Election Debate audience feedback tool at KMi. A group of voters gathered in our Podium space to watch one of last year’s political debates and log our reactions to the speakers’ performances using an innovative online tool. The prototype application was tested on…

MiData Personal Data and Trust Lab

In August we published a story entitled Citizen Data – empowering citizens about how KMi had joined a three-month feasibility study on how to empower citizens with their own data. A report detailing the outcomes of the study has now been released and can be downloaded here. Other organisations involved in the research include the Digital Catapult, consultancy Ctrl-Shift and non-profit…

OUAnalyse Featured On National Radio

At the end of November Martin Hlosta presented OUAnalyse at DatConf2014 at Brno University of Technology (TU Brno). Martin was one of the ten speakers presenting on the theme of data in the second largest city in Czech Republic. The Open University have a strong relationship with TU Brno, displayed through an agreement between the…

MK Data Hub Installation begins

On 27 October Paul Alexander’s team arrived at UCMK with the first load of data hub equipment to begin the installation. The MK Data Hub is the key component that will curate all data involved in MK:Smart, which is a collaboration between a range of public sector and commercial partners. The Open University, who are…

DataCore User Group to be held at KMi

The third in a series of annual, invitation only, end-user focused events, organised by leading software defined storage vendor, DataCore and partner organisation NCE, will be held in KMi’s Podium on 2 December 2014. We look forward to welcoming guests from a variety of sectors and giving them an introduction to what the Knowledge Media…

Cambridge Masters students learn about MK:Smart

Over thirty Master’s students from Cambridge University visited KMi on Friday, to learn about our smart city project. Project Director, Prof Enrico Motta gave an overview of the project while Dr Mathieu d’Aquin presented the work on crowd analysis in more detail, which is carried out in the context of the wider action on enabling…