Person: Harith Alani

<p>Harith Alani</p>

KMi @The Web Conference 2018

KMi once again had a strong presence at The Web Conference, which this year was held in Lyon, France from 23-27 April, and was attended by over 2300 delegates. More than 7500 tweets were posted about the event, with 17000 retweets, reaching around 8.6 million twitter users. On the Program Committee were KMi’s Harith Alani,…

KMi at K-Cap2017

KMi continued its long association with the KAW/K-CAP series of workshops and conferences this week with a strong presence at the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Capture(K-CAP2017) held in Austin, Texas, USA the first week of December. The K-CAP conferences aim at attracting researchers from diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence, including knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition,…

KMi at ISWC 2017

It was the turn of Vienna, Austria to host the International Semantic Web Conference, and once again KMi’s participation at the event was very strong.  Miriam Fernandez co-chaired the Research Track, while Harith Alani, Enrico Motta, Alessandro Adamou, Francesco Osborne and Ilaria Tiddi sat on various program committees.  KMi members organised two Workshops this year,…

COMRADES sails through its mid-term review

The COMRADES ( consortium came back triumphant from Brussels where the project’s mid-term review was held at the European Commission on July 5th. Project officer and reviewers were highly impressed by the exceptional quality of the work and achievements of the project partners over the first half of the project.  In these 18 months, the consortium…

Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: A Multilingual Jargon on Social Media

After spending almost 2 years at the lab, I am finally pleased to share my research with my friends. Last Thursday, 25th of May, I presented my work in NLP titled "Sentiment Analysis for Arabizi: A Multilingual Jargon". Arabizi is a transcription of the naturally-dialectal Arabic language in Latinscript, quiet common in mobile texting and…

COMRADES goes to Nepal

COMRADES project, along with the Nepalese Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM), organised a very successful workshop in Kathmandu, attended by local community leaders, NGOs, government officials, and even the Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr Pushpa Kamal Dahal.  The workshop was on ‘‘Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation for Making Crises Resilient Community", and…

KMi at ISWC 2016

The 15th International Semantic Web Conference took place recently in Kobe, Japan, and the KMi contingent had a very strong showing at the conference. Ilaria Tiddi and Allan Third presented papers in the highly selective research track, on "Learning to Assess Linked Data Relationships Using Genetic Programming", and "Integrating medical scientific knowledge with the semantically…

Dr Hassan Saif Receives the 2016 SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award

Dr Hassan Saif has recently received the 2016 SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award for his Thesis: “Semantic Sentiment Analysis of Microblogs”. The award will be presented during the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), which will be held in Kobe, Japan on October 17-21 2016.   The competition this year was very tough with twice the number…

Congratulations to Doctor Ilaria Tiddi!

Ilria Tiddi successfully defended her PhD on 16th June 2016. During the viva and in her thesis ("Explaining Data Patterns with Knowledge from the Web of Data"), she described her work at the intersection of knowledge discovery and semantic web research, using the Web of Data to generate explanations for patterns found in data through…

KMi at ESWC 2016!

As with past editions of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, the Thirteenth edition (ESWC2016), once again held in Anissaras, Crete, featured a significant KMi delegation and a host of former KMi-ers. Five researchers – Prof. John Domingue, Alessandro Adamou, Carlo Allocca, Mathieu d’Aquin and Hassan Saif – attended as KMi delegates, and even more contributed…