Person: Harith Alani

<p>Harith Alani</p>

KMi Team take part in Annual Running Club Relay

Well done to the Knowledge Media Runners, Harith Alani, Jason Carvalho, Rachel Coignac-Smith, Alba Morales-Tirado, who finished in the top half of the rankings – 29th out of 61 teams –  in the annual OU Running Club Relay Race. This was the first race held since 2019 due to things being on hold for a couple…

KMi Doctoral Students present their research in Austin, Texas

Congratulations to three KMi’s Doctoral Students who presented their research to the international community in Austin Texas last week.   Ángel Pavón Pérez and Joseph Kwarteng presented papers at the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (WebSci 2023) in Austin Texas on 1st May. Each student were lead authors representing their co-author teams. Ángel took part…

KMi paper wins the 2022 SWSA Ten-Year Award

Congratulations to Hassan Saif, Yulan He and Harith Alani on winning the prestigious Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) Ten-Year Award. The prize was announced at the opening ceremony of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022) on 25th October.  The Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior. The decision is based…

KMi at ISWC 2022

The 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), the premier international forum for the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph Community, is currently underway and, as in previous editions, is characterised by a significant participation from KMi researchers. The ISWC series of conferences is co-ordinated by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA), whose Vice-President is KMi’s…

KMi Research is Published in The Conversation

The Conversation UK is an independent source of news analysis, and informed comment written by academic experts, working with professional journalists who help share their knowledge with the world. KMi’s Social Data Science Group members, Prof Harith Alani, Dr Gregoire Burel, and Dr Tracie Farrell have co-authored a piece in The Conversation. The article titled…

Harith Alani Presented a Keynote at BeyondFacts 2022 on Misinformation

BeyondFacts 2022 is a leading international workshop on the topic of misinformation, which was collocated with The Web Conference in Lyon. The workshop provides a venue for sharing and discussing the latest scientific research on a range of related topics, such as social media mining, computational fact-checking, and misinformation spread analysis. Prof Harith Alani, our…

KMi’s Next Director is Finally Announced!

KMi is excited to announce that Professor Harith Alani has been appointed as KMi’s 5th director. Harith will be taking up his post on the 1st of August, once Professor John Domingue steps down after seven years as director. Harith joined KMi in 2009 as a Senior Lecturer, then progressed to full Professor a few…

Battling misinformation about the Ukraine-Russian war

Modern world conflicts are increasingly influenced by misinformation and propaganda. Martino Mensio from the Social Data Group at KMi collected over 800 claims so far about the Russian invasion of Ukraine that were debunked or flagged as unreliable by many registered fact-checking organisations around the world. Gregoire Burel then began monitoring the appearance of these…

Three KMi Researchers Listed in Prestigious Computer Scientist Ranking

We are very proud to be able to announce that three KMiers have been placed into the top 300 nationally of a new prestigious ranking of computer science researchers. The ranking, published by, is based on a strenuous examination of more than 9,724 scientists on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph. In particular, the…

KMi’s Social Data Scientists are featured in the Finnish Press

Congratulations to our Social Data Science Researchers whose work received wide coverage in the Finnish press this week and in an OU News story. The research, led by Gregoire Burel, Tracie Farrell, and Harith Alani, aimed to examine misinformation about COVID-19 online to improve the effectiveness of the response to the pandemic. The group’s work on HERoS…