Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

Everest Webcast a Success

Intrepid Italian mountaineer Lorenzo Gariano (ex-KMi plant life guru) made a successful and popular presentation on the evening of Wednesday 12th October to an invited audience of around 45, also recorded and webcast using KMi&#39s Stadium system. Lorenzo is to repeat his trip to Everest in the spring of 2006 in the hope, this time,…

HEFCE Chief Executive visits KMi

Today KMi hosted a visit from Sir Howard Newby who is the Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. HEFCE&#39s aim for learning and teaching is to ensure that all higher education students benefit from a high-quality learning experience fully meeting their needs and the needs of society. Related Links: Higher Education…

Adobe’s Senior Scientist visits KMi

Bill McDaniel, a Senior Scientist at Adobe Systems, authors of Photoshop, Acrobat and the like, visited KMi to present a talk on the many of the challenges of ubiquitous computing (including location and context awareness) and those of the semantic web. The talk discussed how emerging semantic technologies such as OWL, Pellet, and increased volumes…

KMi at OU Open Day 2005

KMi presented many of their internet-based research projects at the Open University&#39s open day this year. This was the first open day in three years, and the University had gone to town on publicity for the event. Projects shown included Compenium, BuddySpace, FlashMeeting, ROSTRA/FlashBlogging, Bletchley Park&#39s new text service and our involvement with the Climate…

Singing benches let loose in city

Looks like some technology from The HitchHikers&#39 Guide is becoming a reality: “Robotic bins that move and chuckle, benches that flock together and sing when the sun comes out, have been unleashed in Cambridge.” What next – chatty doors? Related Links: Read the full BBC News story

Lorenzo’s Blog becomes BBC Suffolk Website of the Day

Posted by someone on the 7summits forum on 22nd April – but in a different section, so I&#39ve only just seen this: The Wider World Wide Web Thought you guys would like to know that a link to Lorenzo&#39s Everest Ascent will soon be up on the BBC Radio Suffolk website. I have chosen his… Touted by SETI Site

The home page on the SETI@home project, probably the most well-known distributed computing project on the planet, is currently featuring in their news section: We urge all SETI@home to consider participating in This will keep your computer busy (and earning credit) even when SETI@home has no work available. KMi is a key partner…

Dave Bradbury Leaves

Popular researcher Dave Bradbury today leaves KMi, his seventh position at the Open University, for a job in Oxford. “I always get drink” quips Dave on receiving a bottle of Glenfiddich malt scotch from Trevor Collins, together with a book, a box of chocolates, and a few John Lewis tokens.


GPS has been crying out for decent recreational uses since its invention – now its here (or should that be &#39everywhere&#39?). “A GPS device and a hunger for adventure are all you need for high tech treasure hunting. Here you can find the latest caches ind in this fun and exciting sport.” Related Links: Geocaching…

First PDA Virus Emerges

The first virus designed specifically to attack machines running the version of Windows for Pocket PCs has been reported. Called &#39Duts&#39, apparently it does no damage and is only a &#39proof of concept&#39. Well, that&#39s nice, isn&#39t it? Related Links: BBC News story