Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

University of Toronto’s ‘KMDI’ Gale Moore visits

Gale Moore is the Deputy-Director of the Knowledge Media Design Institute, an organization of over 50 faculty members from 20 different academic departments in the University of Toronto with a mission similar to KMi. Gale spoke about some of the work in KMDI including a demonstration of the Virtual Sandbox, a collaborative project with Xerox…

Students’ Newspaper on the Web

As part of ongoing provision of course material for print-disabled students, both on CD-ROM and the Internet, METg member Chris Valentine has been converting the OU Students’ Newspaper “Sesame” for Web presentation. In a press announcement from the editor: “Sesame can now be read by print-disabled students linked up to the Web at The…

Scottish Under Secretary visits METg

Ed Weeple, Under Secretary, Scottish Office Department for Education and Industry, and Graeme Dickson, Head of HE Division SOIED, visited KMI to discuss applications of IT for disabled learners with Professor Tom Vincent. During his visit, Ed Weeple was shown how developments in multimedia for disabled learners had brought benefits for all students. This was…

MET Presence at Digital Talking Book Meeting

The METg’s Chris Valentine recently attended a meeting to discuss the future world file format for digital talking books in Sigtuna, just north of Stockholm, Sweden. The meeting was attended by at least seven talking book libraries and eleven visually-impaired research and support institutions from around the world. The principle driving force behind the development…