Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

Macromedia’s Sue Thexton visits KMi

Sue Thexton, Managing Director of Macromedia Europe, visited KMi to see a range of developments that involve the use of Macromedia Director for multimedia authoring. There was particular interest in seeing applications such as the Virtual Microscope, Topic Accessed Video and the Virtual Leaf. Shockwave applications seen included First Flight and the Dynamic Pump. Macromedia…

Fresh transatlantic plaudits for FirstFlight pages

A site under the auspices of The American National Science Foundation has listed FirstFlight among its hotlist of education resources for schools. The widely-regarded ‘Exploratorium‘ posts a monthly list of ten cool sites: ‘FirstFlight – This visually attractive site explores the Wright brothers’ first flight. You can check out the experiments that lead to the…

Scores see Mars Buggy at MacWorld

A collaborative project between KMi and Mac ADB controller manufacturers Beehive Technologies has seen up to 100 visits by show attendees to the KMi/Heronsgate Mars Buggy overnight. Beehive have a number of Apple Macs on their stand at the San Francisco exhibition with browsers pointing to the buggy pages. Visitors to the stand can see…

Open and Florida State Universities Collaborate

President of Florida State University, Dr. Talbot (Sandy) D’Alemberte, visited the Open University on Tuesday 16th December to progress details of OU/FSU collaboration. He met with Gary Slapper, Director of the Law Programme at the Open University Business School, visited Marc Eisenstadt here in the Knowledge Media Institute, and joined Bob Masterton, Keith Williams, Graham…

Mars-world in KMi

Having watched their control-buggy spend several years going up and down a short wooden maze, the children of Heronsgate School decided to build a more interesting environment. Their small-scale Mars landscape, (complete with cave and evidence of rock paintings!) has now been moved to the KMi, and the Heronsgate children can control their buggy through…

Mars-world in KMi

Having watched their control-buggy spend several years going up and down a short wooden maze, the children of Heronsgate School decided to build a more interesting environment. Their small-scale Mars landscape, (complete with cave and evidence of rock paintings!) has now been moved to the KMi, and the Heronsgate children can control their buggy through…

Visitors witness Volcanic Edinburgh

Dr. Stuart Monro, Scientific Director, and Nina Ludgate (Event Communications) visited KMi’s MultiMedia Enabling Technologies group to see protoype material for the Volcanic Edinburgh part of the exhibition currently under construction for the Dynamic Earth project in Edinburgh. A web page for the project, with sample QTVR movies, can be viewed at r_earth.html Later,…

The Newest Virtual University Meets the Oldest!

On Friday 24th October 1997 a team from British Aerospace visited the Open University to talk about the British Aerospace Virtual University initiative. The team visiting the OU included the VC of this new University, Geraldine Kenney-Wallace; the Director and Registrar, Alan Millican; the Director of BAe Personnel, Terry Morgan; the Dean of the BAe…

Bill Morris, TGWU, visits KMi

Tuesday 21st October, Bill Morris, General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, visited KMi. The purpose of the visit was Bill Morris’ first meeting as a Trustee of the OU Foundation. Bill has a true passion for education, and is a committed supporter of the OU. The Transport and General Workers Union have…

Mark Resmer presents the Instructional Management System

Following meetings with the Vice-Chancellor, Diana Laurillard (PVC-Tech. Devpt.), and KMi research groups, Mark Resmer (of Sonoma State Uni.) concluded his visit to the OU with a KMi Seminar on the Instructional Management System (IMS) Project. The IMS seeks to make the web more educationally useful by developing “a specific set of higher-order standards and…