Person: Chris Valentine

<p>Chris Valentine</p>

Latest issue of Focus launched

The second issue of KMi’s irregular news magazine Focus was unveiled today by department Director Enrico Motta and the publication’s editor Jane Whild. To be included with Open House, all members of Open University staff will receive a copy. Related Links: Focus webpage

New furniture shown

KMi Deputy Director John Domingue demonstrated the new furniture and dividers that will be used in the refurbishment of the open area of the North Wing, starting in August, at today’s KMi-wide meeting. Photo shows John with an artist’s impression of one of the work spaces while Enrico examines a mobile storage unit.

Martin Dzbor graduates

KMi PhD student Martin Dzbor, shown here receiving congratulations and champagne from KMi directors Enrico and John, graduated today. Martin working on the knowledge-intensive modelling of the conceptual phase of engineering design with the focus of research is the interaction between the problem framing and problem solving. During his PhD, he developed a formal model…

KMi Reach Football Final

In only their second year, the KMi Six-a-Side team “Virtual Winners” reached their first final. At lunch time on Thursday May 3rd, KMi’s team played LTS PFG, loosing 1-3. The squad was a little battered on the injury front, with Enrico having suffered a fractured bone in his ankle in the semi-final, Kevin MacLeod (playing…

Jam for fun

Wednesday evening saw KMi enjoy the first of what promises to be a chain of jam sessions. Joining Phil (guitar) and Sylvia Truman (drums), both members of the internationally-famous band ‘Osmosis’ and the latter a PhD student in KMi, were KMi’s ‘chief scientist’ Marc Eisenstadt (guitar), Annika Wolff (guitar) and Paul Mulholland (bass). Other KMi…

Jam for fun

Wednesday evening saw KMi enjoy the first of what promises to be a chain of jam sessions. Joining Phil (guitar) and Sylvia Truman (drums), both members of the internationally-famous band ‘Osmosis’ and the latter a PhD student in KMi, were KMi’s ‘chief scientist’ Marc Eisenstadt (guitar), Annika Wolff (guitar) and Paul Mulholland (bass). Other KMi…

eUniversity Chairman Sir Anthony Cleaver Visits

Sir Anthony Cleaver, Chairman of UK eUniversities Worldwide Ltd, visited the Open University today for a series of discussions and presentations hosted at the Knowledge Media Institute. Sir Anthony, Medical Research Council chairman and former IBM chief executive, is the first chairman of the new company, which was formed in 2001 to deliver the eUniversity…

ROSTRA v1.0 Launched

Version 1 of the installer for our news disemination system Rostra was today made available on a single CD for evaluation as a possible full product release. The CD contains not only the Rostra system, written in the common server-side scripting language PHP, but all the necessary servers required to run it on an NT,…

New Mobile Access Centre for Disabled Students

The OU launched a new mobile access centre for disabled people at 1.00pm on Tuesday 20th November 2001. Maria Eagle MP, Minister (pictured) for Disabled People, was the guest of honour and will give a short speech. She inaugurated the OU / Halifax Access Bus with the help of one of our disabled students. This…