OntoWeb European Network Launched

With the official signing of the OntoWeb contract The Open University has formally joined the OntoWeb European Thematic Network. The goal of OntoWeb is to co-ordinate European research on the Semantic Web, Tim Berners Lee’s vision for supporting agent interoperability and providing logical inferences over the World Wide Web. OntoWeb currently comprises 81 organizations, drawn from both academia and industry. The first OntoWeb workshop took place in June 2001 in Crete and was attended by about 100 delegates. KMi is one of the main drivers of the initiative, being represented on the Project Management Board, being responsible for co-ordinating educational initiatives and being one of the main contributors to the specification of the technical roadmap for the project.

KMi’s contribution in the project is led by Drs. Enrico Motta and Arthur Stutt.

Relevant Web Sites

OntoWeb Project

Semantic Web


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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