What connects all three above? Right, a project meeting of the TELL-ME project last week in Tampere, Finland.
TELL-ME brings learning technology to manufacturing environments. In a nutshell, the overall top-level idea of TELL-ME is to support ‘learning by doing’, a super hot combination of augmented reality technology and learning from shared experience. This new generation of tactile, kinesthethic learning requires rethinking models and methodologies, such as currently prepared in TELL-ME with a strong contribution from KMi.
The meeting in Tampere brought together all technical partners of the project to facilitate the integration for the first prototype due in a couple of months.
So what has this to do with fusion reactors and sauna?
TELL-ME partner VTT hosted the first day of the meeting in a traditional Finish smoke sauna — and we finished a day full of hot topics with an even hotter 136 degrees in the sauna, before jumping into the ice cold water of lake to cool down and chill out.
Moreover, our partners at VTT incidentially are involved in the development of the global fusion reactor project ITER – and the second day of the meeting culminated in a flying visit to the lab, in which they currently help develop a giant ash tray (and robots to empty it) for the 150 Mio degree hot plasma burning process at its core.
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