KMi Keynote: i-Know 2006, Graz Austria

The 6th International I-Know Conference, in Graz Austria is the premier venue for Knowledge Management research. This year the 3 day event was packed with presentations and workshops on the state of knowledge work, knowledge management and knowledge media. Prolearn was, of course, a very strong presence at this event. But the new projects like Prolix, Ten-Competence and Pro-LC also had a very strong showing.

My keynote talk closed the event, and focused on the core concepts which came up again and again throughout this gig: visualization, social networking, web 2.0 and quality. Fortunately, our research here hits all these keywords, head on.

Hot news for i-Know is that the conference is running in two parallel conferences next year; so i-Know07 will run alongside the new i-Media conference here.

As you will see from my vlog here, the new mac built in camera had some trouble with the light levels in the event (some annoying flashing effect at times). Sadly, the wireless network was pretty expensive! So you wont see a very long vlog here. On the other hand, it is cool to make instant comments, more or less immediately after the presentations – so that they are clear in your mind. I even managed to persuade the opening keynote, Bebo White to do a vlog almost immediately after his talk…

Way to go FlashVlog!

Related Links:

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A Hexagon social network (from my keynote)


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