KMi glimpses the future at BILD 2010

KMi ‘s Alan Fletcher was one of the speakers at this years British Institute for Learning and Development conference which focussed on ‘Learning and Development: the next five years’

The conference, which included speakers form BT, Serious Games Institute and Rolls Royce aimed to provide the opportunity for Learning & Development professionals to update their knowledge of a range of initiatives to better equip and engage learners and increase the impact of learning.

Alan’s presentation ‘Learning Technologies of the Future’ ran a whistle stop tour of KMi’s work in current web 2.0 environments and gave an insight into the future internet and semantic exploration of learning objects.

Showcasing Kmi technologies such as FlashMeeting, the Virtual Microscope, Magpie and Flor, along with practical examples of the power of itunesU and Open Learn, the presentation was aimed at giving a broad sense of current capabilities and trends along with outlining the challenges of the semantic web.

The British Institute for Learning and Development addresses the needs and raises the status of all those involved in learning and development (both organisations and individuals). With a focus on professionalism and performance improvement, it provides coherence to a sector that embraces corporate, work based and lifelong learning and vocational training.

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