KMi Feature in Australian Report

In October/November 2003, Dr Andrew Treloar and Professor Sally Joy from Monash University in Australia visited the OU to discuss Information Management and related topics.
Andrew Treloar&#39s final report of the study tour is now online.

It has been mailed to the following universities in the US who participated in the study:
Indiana University
The University of Delaware
Loyola College, Maryland
Ohio State University

In Para 2.2.4, KMI is described thus:
The Knowledge Media Institute has a charter to look at what their senior researchers think will be of use to the university in 3-5 years time. In other words, they are trying both to anticipate and to drive trends. As an example, they introduced webcasting some 5 years back as an innovation and are still running their own home-grown software (STADIUM) as a production system. Currently they are working on semantic web initiatives, and knowledge creation/management/sharing.

They have 6-7 senior researchers who pursue their own interests within the university&#39s remit. Approximately 60% of their funding is external, from a variety of sources (local companies, the Research Council, the EU and multi-nationals). The key question they ask about all their activities is “Who are we empowering and why?”.

Noteworthy current projects are:
BuddySpace – a instant-messaging based collaboration environment
the D3E toolkit – a lightweight hosted discussion environment
TouchGraph – a scholarly ontology tool
Compendium – a real-time meeting mapping tool, supporting collaborative sense making
FlashMeeting – a Flash-based video-conferencing application that does not require any plugins

The key findings about the Knowledge Media Institute were that:
It provides an excellent way to bring together researchers and practitioners.
It provides a space for experimentation with new technologies.
It brings together a critical mass of people with related interests and relevant skills.

Related Links:


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1908 653800

Fax: +44 (0)1908 653169

Email: KMi Support


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