KMI at the ESWC 2010 (30 May – 3 June)

This year’s Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) took place last week in Heraklion, Greece. ESWC2010 builds on the success of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but seeks to extend its focus by engaging with other communities within and outside ICT, in which semantics can play an important role. It is one of the major conferences in Semantic Web field featuring invited talks by Aldo Gangemi, Noshir Contractor, Sean Bechhofer and Wolfgang Wahlster, over 50 research paper presentations, a PhD-symposium, a tutorial and workshop day, and a poster and demo session. KMI members were actively involved both as organizers and participants. Liliana Cabral chaired the Demos/Posters session, Harith Alani was a Semantic Web Technologies Co-ordinator and Carlos Pedrinaci chaired the conference panel. We are all looking forward to the upcoming International Semantic Web Conference, which will be held during the beginning of November in Shanghai.


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