Hewlett Foundation Visit

Today KMi hosted a visit by key members of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Dr. Marshall (Mike) Smith, Program Director of the Foundation&#39s Education Program, and Dr. Catherine Casserly a consultant to the same program, were visiting the Open University at the invitation of Vice-Chancellor Professor Brenda Gourley.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation sponsors major initiatives concerned with using ICT to increase access to high-quality academic content, and also supports strategies to provide effective universal basic and secondary education in developing nations.

The day-long visit to the OU included visits with Open University Worldwide, the OU Development Office, KMi, and the Vice-Chancellor, to discuss possible synergies with current OU initiatives.

During the KMi part of the visit, Drs. Smith and Casserly had a chance to see several projects underway, including RichODL, Tiny-IN, CitiTag, D3E, ScholOnto, Compendium, ClimatePrediction.net, BuddySpace, Magpie, and HexagonVO

The accompanying photo shows, clockwire from top left:

1. Zdenek Zdrahal showing RichODL to Catherine Casserly, Mike Smith and Sarah Jarman

2. Marc Eisendtadt showing CitiTag to Mike Smith

3. Annika Wolff showing Tiny-IN to Mike Smith and Sarah Casserly

4. Simon Buckingham-Shum showing D3E, Compendium, and ScholOnto to Mike Smith and Sarah Casserly

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