Congrats to KMi’s latest PhD award – Dr Joe Corneli.
Joe’s thesis: "Peer produced peer learning : A mathematics case study" described a research project which created a technological intervention intended to transform a peer produced reference resource into a peer produced learning environment.
In his research, supervised by KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis and Peter Scott, he transformed, an early online community devoted to mathematics, into a mathematical practicum and a laboratory for learning science via a foundational theory at the nexus of peer production and peer learning. The theory was initially developed during a pilot study based on online field work at the Peer-2-Peer University. The key concept, to which he gave the name “paragogy”, has implications for designers, researchers, educators, and others whose work relies on peer learning and peer production.
Joe is now a researcher in the computing and creativity group at Goldsmiths College, University of London where he now works on modeling social aspects of creativity and developing and applying methods for evaluating creative progress.
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