
CORE team wins at the Research Excellence Awards 2019

CORE was presented with the Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity Award at The Open University’s Research Excellence Awards Ceremony 2019 which took place at the MK Stadium on October 23rd.   Over 150 Researchers, academics and support staff attended with Professor Kevin Hetheringthon, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Scholarship hosting. The…

CORE makes it to the top 5,000 websites globally by user engagement

CORE has just made it to the top 5,000 websites globally accroding to Alexa Global Rank, which is calculated from a combination of daily visitors and page views on a website over a 3 month period. As of today, CORE ranks at 4,924, climbing 871 places over the last 90 days. The improvement is impressive considerring that…

The CSO Classifier nominated for the Best Paper Award

Last week, Angelo was in Oslo for the 23rd edition of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL2019). Every year, this conference attracts many researchers from all over the world, working in the fields of digital libraries, information retrieval, text analysis, web archives, and many others. Angelo attended the conference to present…

KMi member wins ISWS Summer School 2019 Award

The 2nd edition of the International Semantic Web Research Summer School (ISWS) was organised by STLab-ISTC National Research Council at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro between 30th June and 6th July 2019. Following the success of last year, the Summer School was held once again in Bertinoro, a small village on a scenic hill…

ANGELO succeeds his viva

Congratulations to Angelo Salatino for succeeding in his viva! Last Friday, Angelo Salatino successfully defended his PhD thesis on Early Detection of Research Trends. The thesis is a body of research work over the last three years leading to a successful system that identifies the emergence of new research topics up to two years before…

CORE releases a new front-end

We are very excited to announce that CORE has released a new front-end marking the end of Phase 1 of front-end improvements, which will continue with 2 more phases. The key highlights of the new UI are: A more modern yet functional look and feel. Support for mobile devices. A new and better presentation of CORE’s mission…

Human-computer collaborative learning in citizen science

We are delighted to announce new research funding from the EPSRC to explore the potential for collaborative learning between humans and AI within the framework of environmental citizen science. A new collaboration between KMi (Siddharthan and Rüger) and STEM Deanery / EEES (Ansine), in partnership with Imperial College London, University of Aberdeen, Learning Through Landscapes and St Alban’s Primary School,…

Red kites writing their own blogs – Find out how!

Our latest Blogging birds paper has just been published in the Communications of the ACM. Blogging birds is a novel artificial intelligence program that generates creative texts to communicate telemetric data derived from satellite tags fitted to red kites — a medium-size bird of prey — as part of a species reintroduction program in the…

Jakub Wins the Rubik Cube Challenge

The Open University social media team organised a light-hearted Rubik’s Cube solving competition for the occasion of Brainteaser month in January.  The competitors were Jakub Kocvara from the Knowledge Media Institute, representing computer science field and Dr. Robert Brignall, Senior Lecturer and the Director of Research in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, representing mathematicians…