
Vice-Chancellor endorses the EAI Dashboard

The Vice-Chancellor has issued a video message to Associate Lecturers via internal channels to explain the importance of using the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard (EAID).  In his video message, Tim Blackman said: "We want to highlight to you the Early Alert Indicators Dashboard and, if you are not using it, ask you to use it"   Powered by Machine Learning methods, the…

PhD success for Dr Alba Morales Tirado

Congratulations to Doctor Alba Morales Tirado, who successfully defended her thesis today. Alba’s PhD was entitled "Health condition evolution for effective use of electronic records: knowledge representation, acquisition, and reasoning”. Recently, there has been a growing interest in aspects of smart living, particularly due to the increasing adoption and use of Electronic Health Records (EHR)….

KMi paper wins the 2022 SWSA Ten-Year Award

Congratulations to Hassan Saif, Yulan He and Harith Alani on winning the prestigious Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) Ten-Year Award. The prize was announced at the opening ceremony of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022) on 25th October.  The Award recognizes the highest impact papers from the ISWC proceedings ten years prior. The decision is based…

KMi at ISWC 2022

The 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), the premier international forum for the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph Community, is currently underway and, as in previous editions, is characterised by a significant participation from KMi researchers. The ISWC series of conferences is co-ordinated by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA), whose Vice-President is KMi’s…

Summer Scholar Samuel Kwaku Antwi identifies influential misinformation about vaccines

As part of KMi’s third cohort of summer scholars, Samuel Kwaku Antwi was researching the subject of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine online. Specifically, Sam was interested in understanding how vaccine-related misinformation was impacting young people from Ghana. This fresh topic addressed gaps in the literature on young people’s responses to misinformation, particularly about health-related…

John Domingue at EDUtech_EUROPE 2022

KMi’s John Domingue attended the EDUtech_EUROPE 2022 conference that was held in Amsterdam between 5-6th October. The event brought together more than 3000 educators, 250 speakers and 200 edtech providers from across Europe to present stories, showcase innovation and inspire educators across the region. There were four event themes: T1: Schools Leaders and Hybrid Learning T2: Schools IT & Digital…

CORE Membership launching soon!

CORE (core.ac.uk), a not-for-profit service delivered by The Open University in partnership with Jisc, has been serving the scholarly community since 2011 and in that time has experienced phenomenal growth in every way. CORE collates Open Access research from over 10,500 data providers across the world and is now the largest collection of open access…

AR born in KMi to schools in Brazil

KMi’s Dr Lara Piccolo hosted a visit yesterday by Prof Alexandre Marino Costa, from Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil. Alexandre last visited KMi in 2016 when he collaborated with Dr Ale Okada and Paul Hogan to develop Augmented Reality applications (AR) for education. Lara said: “I am very happy to share that this collaboration was…

KMi at the ISWS 2022 Summer School

During the 3rd-9th July KMi’s Agnese Chiatti, Paula Reyero Lobo, Angel Pavon Perez, and John Domingue attended the International Semantic Web Research Summer School (ISWS 2022) which was held in a castle in the small medieval hilltop town of Bertinoro, Italy. ISWS is held in the University Residential Center and is a well-known opportunity to…

KMi and EEES at Howe Park Wood

The OU’s Citizen Science and AI Research group had a stand at the Parks Trust Love Nature event on the 4th of July. The group sported a fantastic number of activities throughout the day: Rachel Redford,  Citizen Science Project Officer, engaged with children and adults alike about the fascinating world of moth eco-systems; Nirwan Sharma, Research Associate,…