
Riots, misinformation, and social media 

Image showing the words: "fake news"

KMi’s Director; Prof Harith Alani, was interviewed by The National newspaper who sought his views on the role of misinformation in fueling the recent riots across the UK. Harith and his team in KMi have been researching misinformation for many years, focusing on the patterns in which misinformation and their fact-check spread online.   Misinformation played…

KMi Researchers Make Significant Contributions at ESWC 2024 Conference

Doctors Enrico Daga, Francesco Osborne, Angelo Salatino, Prof John Domingue and PhD student Marco Ratta recently attended the 2024 edition of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, where they showcased their significant contributions to the field through various research papers and workshops as well as contributing to the leadership of the entire ESWC Community. Although Prof. Motta…

KMi’s Prof. Fernandez insightful presentation at WEBSCI’24: Tackling Misinformation Spread through Recommendation Algorithms

Prof. Miriam Fernandez recently attended the prestigious WEBSCI’24, the 16th ACM Web Science Conference, where she presented her latest research paper titled “Analysing the Effect of Recommendation Algorithms on the Spread of Misinformation.” In the digital age, recommendation algorithms play a crucial role in shaping the information we see online. These algorithms are designed to…

KMi welcomes Vice Chancellor to sample our world-leading Research and Innovations

This past Wednesday The Open University’s Vice Chancellor (VC), Prof Tim Blackman, visited KMi marking a significant moment of recognition for the groundbreaking work being conducted by our dedicated researchers. The Vice Chancellor was shown many demos, posters and presentations on current projects, highlighting innovative advancements across various fields and success in external funding. From…

KMi researchers recognised as top scientists in Computer Science

According to the recently published ranking, Professors Enrico Motta, John Domingue, and Harith Alani from KMi have been acknowledged as top scientists in Computer Science at the OU, occupying three of the top four positions in the ranking. In fact, according to the OU’s Open Research Online, Prof Motta is the top-cited professor in…

AI for the Research Ecosystem workshop #AI4RE

On March 22, 2024, the AI for the Research Ecosystem workshop (#AI4RE) took place in London, kindly hosted by UCL in the wonderful surroundings of Chandler House. The workshop was part of the Turing Institue’s AI UK Fringe series of events which took place around the U.K. The workshop focused on the intersection of the…

New grant from the Open Societal Challenges programme to support research into innovative AI methods for assessing equity, balance, and inclusivity in the media landscape

KMi’s grant from the Open Societal Challenge (OSC) aims to enhance our capacity to model the ebb and flow of perspectives within news narratives. Despite the prevalence of social media, traditional news outlets remain essential for informing the public and ideally presenting a balanced array of viewpoints pertinent to democratic discourse. This diversity of perspectives,…

KMi doctoral students participate at the Alan Turing PhD networking event

On Friday 26th, doctoral students Paula Reyero-Lobo and Angel Pavon-Perez participated at the Alan Turing PhD networking event. The overarching initiative aims to create a more interconnected network of doctoral students across various organizations, improve student skills by supplementing PhD program activities, and offer opportunities for greater awareness and connection to real-world challenges and applications. …