Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Education and Technology for transformative learning: Cyberculture or Third Culture?

The International Forum on Education and Technology  was held in Tarragona, Spain on 27 and 28 June. Over 1000 people across the world gathered at the Palau Firal i de Congressos to discuss the role of technology in Education for transformative learning. Several topics were covered during this event: teachers’ digital competence, educational policy for a network society…

The interactive webconference: Student Connections

KMi hosted the first Student Connections conference this week. The online event from The Open University’s Faculty of Social Sciences took place between 30 June 2014 – 4 July 2014 and presented a series of highly interactive webcasts to Open University students from all the Faculty. Hosting a week of live and "as live" events, from a multitude…

Tapping into your personal curiosity: Workshop at PLE 2014

Alexander Mikroyannidis delivered a workshop last week at the PLE 2014 conference, which took place in Tallinn, Estonia. The Personal Learning Environments (PLE) conference is an annual event bringing together PLE researchers, educators and practitioners for a lively exchange of ideas, practices and visions. The workshop was entitled "Tapping into your personal curiosity: Personal Learning Environments…

Valedictory Lecture

After just under 19 years today is the very last day for Professor Simon Buckingham Shum in his KMi office. Arriving here at the very beginning of the Open University’s Knowledge Media Instute in 1995, Simon has risen from Research Fellow to a full Professor as well as serving as a KMi Associate Director (Technology). His…

Strong KMi presence at ACM Web Science Conference

KMi was well presented at the ACM 2014 Web Science Conference (WebSci) which was held last week at Indiana University, Bloomington, US. Acceptance rate at the conference was 20%, with 3 full papers from KMi.   Lara Piccolo presented a paper on Motivating Online Engagement and Debates on Energy Consumption, co-authored with Harith Alani and…

KMi at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences

This week 2nd year PhD student Simon Knight‘s been attending the 2014 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, in Boulder Colorado. In addition to co-chairing a workshop on learning analytics, and productive dialogue with the international community, Simon also presented a paper (slides, video) on a developing ‘epistemic network analysis‘ approach to learning analytics around…

Bridging Learning Analytics and Learning Sciences – ICLS Workshop

On Monday this week 2nd year PhD student Simon Knight co-chaired a full day workshop at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) in Boulder, on Learning Analytics for Learning and Becoming in Practice. The workshop website (including all accepted papers) is available hosted by KMi here and provides further information regarding the themes…

Parliamentary Select Committee: Social Media data and real time analytics

KMi’s Dr Mathieu d’Aquin gave evidence on behalf of the OU to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee at an oral evidence session on Monday 23 June. The session formed part of the Committee’s inquiry into Social media data and real time analytics launched earlier this year. Dr d’Aquin was joined in front of the select committee…