Event Participation/Organization

<p>Story relating to an event</p>

Alessandro Adamou to serve as UK ambassador for the European Linked Data Contest

KMi researcher Alessandro Adamou has been appointed as representative for the United Kingdom in the upcoming European Linked Data Contest. The ELDC is a fringe event of the SEMANTiCS 2016 international conference on semantic systems, to be held in Leipzig during September 12-15, 2016. After the success of last year’s edition, this initiative once more…

Last FORGE plenary in Athens

The last plenary meeting of the FORGE project took place on July 11-12th in Athens, Greece. In a beautiful location by the sea, the FORGE partners met in order to wrap up the project and prepare for its final review. The main topics of discussion and planning had to do with the sustainability of the…

Webscience Summer School 2016

The WSTNet Web Science Summer School 2016 was held from Thursday, 30 June to Wednesday, 6 July 2016. The Summer School is the first edition of the oncoming WSTNet Summer School series on Web Science. It is organised by the Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST) at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. Keynotes, tutorials and project work in the following areas of…

European Data Forum a Great Success

The 2016 European Data Forum (EDF) which took place last week was a great success. This event which was setup by the European Commission supported by STI International and a number of prominent European researchers in 2012 has grown from under 200 participants to over 1000 registrations at this year’s event. EDF brings together key…

OUSA Conference 2016 Gets Augmented Reality Presentation

Last Saturday Mobile Applications Developer from KMi, Paul Hogan gave a 45 minute presentation on KMi’s work with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to students attending the 2016 Open University Students Asscociation Conference. Paul’s presentation was well received and gave a detailed insight into the applications he has developed allowing students to see…

SlideWiki meets in KMi

The second plenary meeting of the SlideWiki project took place on June 9th-10th in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. More than 30 representatives from 17 organisations across Europe travelled to Milton Keynes, in order to touch base on the latest project developments and plan subsequent collaborative actions. The meeting focused on the…

KMi at ESWC 2016!

As with past editions of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, the Thirteenth edition (ESWC2016), once again held in Anissaras, Crete, featured a significant KMi delegation and a host of former KMi-ers. Five researchers – Prof. John Domingue, Alessandro Adamou, Carlo Allocca, Mathieu d’Aquin and Hassan Saif – attended as KMi delegates, and even more contributed…

Stadium Live supports Digital Innovation Workshop

KMi’s Stadium Live technology was used this week to support remote attendees to a STEM workshop on digital innovation, held in the Hub Theatre and hosted by Patrick Mcandrew (Director, IET), Doug Clow (IET), Hazel Rymer (acting PVC, (Learning and Teaching) and Andrew Law (Director, Open Media Unit). Initial ideas were prompted in response to…

Digital Skills Gap in ICT Technologies

The 2nd annual NET FUTURES conference, which wishes to maximize the competitiveness of the European technology industry, took place last week in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the conference is to bridge the gaps between research and innovation labs, businesses, marketing, entrepreneurship and policy-making communities, with the idea that innovations will more easily and effectively…


Every year the World Wide Web Conference provides an opportunity for many researchers from both academy and industry to discuss about topics that are centred around the World Wide Web. In its 25th edition, which took place in Montreal (CA) from 11th to 15th of April 2016, more than a thousand people from 55 countries joined together to present progress in…