BBC Flatters Making The News

They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The BBC’s own project School Report, running today to encourage students to learn the skills of journalism and "make their own news", shows remarkable resemblances to KMi’s Making The News project (based on our ROSTRA technology).

Twelve and thirteen year-old children from 100 schools around the country are being encouraged to post stories in this pilot project. Next year, more schools will take part and the age range of students will widen to 11-14. Meanwhile, MTN is in active use by over 300 schools around the UK and abroad and is running 24/7.

The BBC have provided a link to MTN as an external resource. MTN manager Jeff Howson will be joining KMi to run two Making The News days (March 29th and May 2nd) to secure additional funding for further development. Perhaps the BBC would like to attend to see how our system runs?

Related Links:


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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