Barry Norton has been the invited speaker of this year’s AWeSOMe workshop. This was the second edition of this workshop which aims to bridge the gap between three major research areas: Agents, Web Services and Ontologies. The workshop was held as part of the OnTheMove Federated Conferences (OTM’06), on the 29th of October 2006.
Barry presented a 3-level model for semantic behavioural descriptions – that is, orchestration and choreography – for WSMO web services. This approach was developed in the DIP European Integrated Project to allow the Cashew workflow language to provide a structure whereby UML Activity Diagrams could be used alongside the core WSMO behavioural model of abstract state machines. He also presented how this work is used in the description of the OASIS Semantic Execution Environment, and how it can characterize the business process ontologies, and their relationship to one another, in the SUPER Integrated Project.
Well done, Barry!
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