Victoria Uren

Good News from the Rhineland

The X-Media consortium celebrated a success in St Goar last week. St Goar traditionally supplies pilots to Rhine barges to help navigate the dangerous rocks of the Loreley. None such was needed by the X-Media crew however, who sailed through the review with flying colours. The reviewers particularly praised the high levels of integration and…

Capturing Knowledge with Altitude

KMi continued its long association with the KAW/KCAP series of workshops and conferences last week with a big presence at KCAP′05 in Banff, Canada. KCAP is one of the most creative gatherings of knowledge management researchers on the planet. This year saw presentations on knowledge capture from stories and from games on the web, ontology…

Successful Review for Dot.Kom

Today the Dot.Kom project came to a very successful conclusion with the reviewers awarding a top score of 5 for 7 out of 14 features, including technical quality, and an average overall of 4.6. The project investigated the use of automatic information extraction in knowledge management. The project was coordinated by Fabio Ciravegna at the…

ECAI 2004

The European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 04) was located at the Universidad Politechnica de Valencia. ECAI is huge and incredibly diverse with 181 papers on topics ranging from agents to vision perception, 88 posters and 17 workshops and up to six parallel sessions at any time, so it is pretty much impossible for one…

WWW2003 Budapest

The annual World Wide Web conference held in Budapest last week lived up to its reputation for internationalism and foresight. Keynote speakers included Tim Berners-Lee on the semantic web and Pal Tamas on economics and the information society, a spread which reflects the diversity of the conference which encompasses both technical and societal aspects of…