Stefan Rueger

KMi delivers book to publisher

KMi professor Stefan Rüger has delivered a text book on Multimedia Information Retrieval (bibtex) for Morgan & Claypool‘s series of synthesis lectures on information concepts, retrieval and services. Quoting from the book’s preface Rüger said: ”I am not easily convinced to write a book. The main reason why I got fascinated by this assignment is…

MMIS at final PHAROS meeting

Barcelona, 9-11 Dec 2009. Half of KMi’s Multimedia and Information Systems group attended the final meeting of KMi’s audiovisual search engine project PHAROS, which is a large FP 6 integrated project in its last month. The meeting had a definite vibrant feel of achievements looking back at the three-year-long research and development of an industry…

KMi Organises International Conference in Cambridge

Stefan Rueger of KMi organised with Gabriella Kazai of Microsoft Research Cambridge as general chairs a conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval in Cambridge, UK, in Sept 2009. This biennial conference, now in its second edition, meant to explore the foundations of where Information Retrieval has stretched to in information and computer sciences, mathematics…

KMi Teaches at Summer School in Information Retrieval

Stefan Rueger of KMi returned from spending a week in Padua, where he taught 170 delegates at the European Summer School in Information Retrieval. ESSIR is a biennial event to provide quality teaching of advanced information retrieval topics to an audience of researchers and research students. The summer school consisted of a week filled with…

Prof Stefan Rueger delivered keynote talk at ICICIS 2009

KMi’s Stefan Rueger delived today a keynote address at the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems held in the ancient city of Cairo, Egypt. One major focus of the event, organised by the Ain Shams University in cooperation with ACM, is multimedia and sensor analysis, specifically in the medical area. Prof Rueger outlined…

KMi video technology meets Greenstone down under

KMi researcher Stefan Rüger has been invited as a Visiting Professor to the Digital Libraries research group at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, with a view to research and co-develop Video Digital Libraries. The principal research output of the world-renowned Digital Libraries Research group is called Greenstone, which is an open source, multilingual digital…

PHAROS gets reviewed

The official 1st-year review of the PHAROS project has just concluded following a review meeting in Brussels on 28 and 29 Feb 2008. PHAROS (Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) is an Integrated Project co-financed by the European Union under the Information Society Technologies Programme (6th Framework Programme) Strategic ‘Objective Search Engines…

KMi now has its first LTN Business Fellow

Earlier this month Prof Stefan Rueger became KMi’s first London Technology Network Business Fellow. Stefan’s responsibilities include raising an inventory of technologies and educational activities for the Centre of Research in Computing, identifying a wide range of opportunities for interacting with industry and facilitate university-business interactions. The London Technology Network ( promotes innovative collaborations and…