Simon Buckingham Shum

David Kolb on books, hypertext and architecture…

David Kolb, Professor of Philosophy at Bates College, Maine, USA, gave a fascinating talk today, entitled “Ruminations on Argument in Mixed Company”. He explored the possible advantages that hypertext might play in argumentative texts which seek to persuade the reader, as encountered in philosophy, and much other scholarly writing. What new affordances might hypertext offer…

KMi helps London Mathematical Society launch e-journal

The London Mathematical Society has launched its flagship electronic journal, the “LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics” []. KMi’s D3E Project (Tammy Sumner, Simon Buckingham Shum, Mike Wright and Malcolm Story) worked with the LMS in defining requirements (e.g. internet infrastructure, journal design and staffing), and interviewing programmers. During 1997, the LMS web programmer Adam…

John Rieman presents “JSketch”

5 June’98: John Rieman (Boulder, Colorado) presented an innovative drawing package called JSketch, designed to support the rough sketching that is so crucial to initial, creative design work. He contrasted this to conventional drawing and painting programs which obstruct the free-form lines that underpins informal sketching by producing inelegant, or over-precise forms. Abstract and contact…

John Rieman presents “JSketch”

5 June’98: John Rieman (Boulder, Colorado) presented an innovative drawing package called JSketch, designed to support the rough sketching that is so crucial to initial, creative design work. He contrasted this to conventional drawing and painting programs which obstruct the free-form lines that underpins informal sketching by producing inelegant, or over-precise forms. Abstract and contact…

Microsoft 2 day visit

Members of Microsoft’s group developing learning technologies for distance education visited the OU on 9th and 10th June. Hosted by Diana Laurillard (PVC Technology), Jim Ptaszynski, Eric Rait and David Kosbie spent a day in KMi, discussing several projects with staff, before presenting their own work in the afternoon. They continue their consultations tomorrow with…

Authoring Tools & the Educ. Object Economy: JIME Special Issue

A special issue of JIME went live today for open peer review, following several months’ intensive author-reviewer debate: Authoring Tools & The Educational Object Economy: The issue’s concerns range from multimedia authoring tools for educational applications, to authoring communities struggling to share interoperable components, to new challenges and business opportunities for publishers. An integrating…

D3E generates Dearing Report Discussion Site

Dearing Report Discussion Site: D3E (Digital Document Discourse Environment) has been used to generate a web site to serve as a forum for national discussion of the Dearing Report into Higher Education. The report’s 93 recommendations to the government will be influential in shaping HE in the UK, and many bodies who submitted evidence…

D3E used to publish interactive journal for Academic Press

The “Digital Document Discourse Environment” (D3E) has been used to design and publish a special issue of the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, focusing on World Wide Web Usability, just published at: Published in parallel with the conventional paper issue, this special issue provides readers with the full articles in HTML and Adobe Acrobat…

London Math. Soc. choose D3E for new e-journal

The London Mathematical Society has chosen KMi’s D3E (Digital Document Discourse Environment) as the environment for their new flagship e-journal, “The Journal of Computation and Mathematics”. D3E is the tailorable shell on which KMi’s experimental “Journal of Interactive Media in Education” is built. The D3E team will be training an LMS programmer in D3E beginning…