Rui Hu

Dr. Joao Magalhaes!

Congratulations to MMIS group member Joao Magalhaes for passing his PhD viva yesterday at Imperial College London! Joao passed his viva with flying colours with an amazing "no changes required" from the examiners and many a complementary remark by them. We were all surprised by the appearance of his family and some friends who flew…

A Successful PHAROS Project Meeting Hosted by KMI

PHAROS (Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) is a large Integrated European Project which aims to build a next generation audiovisual search platform. 40 people from 13 organizations, institutes and universities of different countries came to KMi last week for the project meeting. During the meeting, the progress of the first year…

MMIS Group visiting Bletchley Park

MMIS group visited Bletchley Park on Wednesday December 5, as a social event. Bletchley Park used to be the home of top British Code breakers during World War II, and was a top secret until 1967. Its codebreaking successes are believed to save countless lives by shortening the War by at least two years. It…