John Domingue

KMi at ESWC 2014!

A significant number of KMiers attended the 11th edition of the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014,, which was celebrated one more year in Anissaras, Crete. The European Semantic Web Conference is held annually and is one of the most relevant events in the Semantic Web area.   KMi’s presence was one of the…

VPH Share Year 3 Review

VPH Share had a very successful third-year review last week in Brussels. VPH Share is focused on providing a cloud environment enabling clinical researchers to develop simulation and decision support workflows to allow raw medical data to be refined into meaningful diagnostic and therapeutic information.  Highlights of the review included three demonstrations by external clinical users,…

WWW Gangnam style!

KMi-ers Harith Alani, Carlos Pedrinaci and Alexander Mikroyannidis are in Seoul for the 23rd World Wide Web conference. This year, the WWW conference is hosted in the prestigious COEX hub in Korea’s Gangnam district. So far, it has featured a panel of renowned internet experts, including Tim Berners-Lee, discussing the challenges and opportunities of the previous 25…

Forge wins Best Poster at the Athens Future Internet Assembly

A good week in the office. Of course it helps if your ‘office’ for a week is a short walk from the Parthenon and you are contributing to the buzz surrounding the Future Internet Assembly (FIA): over 750 attendees incorporating the leaders of over 150 European projects worth more than half a billion Euros.  The…

Minister of State introduced to MK:Smart

Greg Clark was appointed Minister of State (Cities and Constitution) in October 2013. As part of a visit to The Open University he spent some time with MK:Smart Project Director, Professor Enrico Motta who, supported by Milton Keynes Council Director of Strategy, Geoff Snelson and University of Bedfordshire’s Emeritus Professor, David Barrett, was delighted to…

Two new interactive iBooks produced by KMi

The Open University has published two new interactive iBooks produced by KMi. The iBooks are available to download for free from Apple’s iBook Store. They showcase the latest research outputs of the European projects EUCLID and ROLE, offering interactive learning materials for Linked Data and Self Regulated Learning respectively. In more detail, the topics covered…

US/EU Future Internet Workshop in Leuven

The middle of October saw key invited experts from the US and Europe gather in Leuven to discuss the issues and design principles associated with the next generation global communications infrastructure. The meeting was hosted by the EU’s Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) Unit and was composed of EU Commission representatives, researchers leading strategic…

Data for a Creative Economy Meeting with the South Korean Prime Minister

Data in various guises is a big topic right now. Specifically, Open, Linked and Big Data are seen as drivers for economic growth, platforms for research and enablers social good (for example facilitating transparency in government). Generally, data technologies are seen as a key technology by many of the world’s top economies. Aligned with the…

FORGE has kicked-off!

Last week saw the kick-off meeting of the FORGE project (Forging Online Education through FIRE). FORGE is a 3-year FP7 project led by KMi. The consortium consists of 7 partners highly experienced in eLearning and FIRE (Future Internet Research & Experimentation). The meeting was hosted by the University of Patras in Greece. John Domingue, Alexander Mikroyannidis…

Keynote at the IEEE International Conference on eBusiness Engineering ICEBE

The middle of September saw Coventry host the 10th ICEBE Conference which focuses on eBusiness. Specifically, the event covers how new IT areas, for example, the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing will impact how business is conducted.   In his Keynote John Domingue talked about the work carried out in KMi on Linked Services….