John Domingue

KMi at LAK15 – Poughkeepsie

A group of KMIers have just returned from the 5th ACM Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) conference, this year held in Poughkeepsie, New York.  Zdenek Zdrahal, Martin Hlosta, and Jakub Kuzilek were attending to present work on OU Analyse, which as well as attracting interest from participants was highlighted in OU PVC Belinda Tynan’s keynote…

Exciting Packet Tracer widget developments

This is what Nuno Guarda, Head of Corporate Affairs for Cisco in the UK and Ireland, tweeted yesterday after a very successful event held at the Open University. Alexander Mikroyannidis and Aitor Gomez-Goiri (Knowledge Media Institute – KMi, The Open University) presented their latest work on rich interactive learning materials, featuring the development of an…

The European Data Science Academy has kicked-off!

The kick-off meeting of the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) took place last week in Luxembourg. EDSA is a flagship project for the EC with regards to bridging the gap in the demands for data science skills in Europe. Apart from the project partners, the meeting was attended by the Project Officer for EDSA Carola…

New standard for Augmented Reality

KMi research in the Theme ‘Learning by Experience’ was rewarded today with the establishment of a new working group within the IEEE standards association.   The expert working group within will elaborate a proposal for augmented reality learning experience models (IEEE AR-LEM), with an early draft scheduled for the late summer and a first ballot…

First thesis using weSPOT: ICT and Entrepreneurship – new paradigms…

Congratulations to Karine Souza who passed her PhD viva last friday – 19th of December.  She was a visiting PhD researcher from University of Minho Portugal supervised by Dr. Bento Silva and by Dr. Ale Okada during her visit at the Open University UK. In KMi, Karine has been participating in the COLEARN – open research network since 2013….

Fourth ESWC Summer School ‘Awesome’

"It was an awesome experience." "ESWC Summer School was awesome, seriously! I would not expect at all to meet so many cool people (tutors and students) there and learnt a lot from them. Thank you all tutors, students and whoever involved making this summer school happen. I would definitely recommend the ESWC Summer School to…

Valedictory Lecture

After just under 19 years today is the very last day for Professor Simon Buckingham Shum in his KMi office. Arriving here at the very beginning of the Open University’s Knowledge Media Instute in 1995, Simon has risen from Research Fellow to a full Professor as well as serving as a KMi Associate Director (Technology). His…

Strong KMi presence at ACM Web Science Conference

KMi was well presented at the ACM 2014 Web Science Conference (WebSci) which was held last week at Indiana University, Bloomington, US. Acceptance rate at the conference was 20%, with 3 full papers from KMi.   Lara Piccolo presented a paper on Motivating Online Engagement and Debates on Energy Consumption, co-authored with Harith Alani and…

EUCLID Officially Declared Excellent!

The EUCLID project finished last week with its final review and was given an ‘Excellent’ ranking (the highest) by our reviewers and our EU Project Officer. EUCLID was a two year Coordination and Support Action tasked with producing learning materials for professionals who wish to learn about Linked Data.   Over the lifetime of the…

Watch the FORGE iBook teaser video

The teaser video of the FORGE iBook gives you a taste of the learning materials and interactive elements included in the iBook developed by the FORGE project. The FORGE iBook features a number of networking courses produced by FORGE that use FIRE facilities for introducing basic networking concepts to the reader/learner. The iBook is available…