John Domingue

Two Blockchain Keynotes in Two Weeks

KMi Director, Prof. John Domingue, was invited to give two keynote talks during May 2018 featuring the blockchain research that he is leading at the Open University. The first talk, “Experiments with Blockchains. The Open University and the emergence of new higher education models” was given at second Conference by the Commonwealth Centre for Connected…

1st Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers @ WWW

The first workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers which was recently held at the World Wide Web (WWW) conference in Perth, Australia attracted a lively audience who came to discuss the relationship two fields. Linked Data research has a long pedigree at WWW whereas Distributed Ledgers (which include blockchains the technological underpinning of crypto-currencies…

Buy Bitcoins Now!

“Buy Bitcoins Now!” was one of the main messages from Chandler Guo – who owns one of the world’s largest Bitcoin mines – in the recent Internet of Value workshop held at Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge. The event focused on how blockchains can be used to support the transfer of non-financial value….

Beyond Learning Analytics

Data is now seen in many sectors as a platform for the provision of operational services. For example, only recently Admiral announced that they would price car insurance based on Facebook post data. Within UK Higher Education sector through learning analytics – the application of data analytics to student data – is beginning to have…

European Data Forum a Great Success

The 2016 European Data Forum (EDF) which took place last week was a great success. This event which was setup by the European Commission supported by STI International and a number of prominent European researchers in 2012 has grown from under 200 participants to over 1000 registrations at this year’s event. EDF brings together key…

Transforming Europe towards the Digital Age

This week saw a premier European event “Transforming Europe towards the Digital Age” held in Luxembourg. This event addressed with the digital skills gap which will grow from 335,000 to 825,000 unfilled positions in areas related to ICT by 2020.   The event was opened by the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, Jean-Luc Martino…

European Data Science Academy at ICT 2015

The middle of October saw the European Data Science Academy (EDSA) at ICT 2015. ICT is the major European Commission event in the communications and computing area and this year had over 7,000 registrations. The opening talk included speeches from Günther Oettinger the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and Anibal Cavaco Silva the…

FORGE Runs an EU Commission Future Internet and Digital Skills Workshop

At the request of the EU Commission FORGE, an EU project coordinated by KMi, ran a workshop at the headquarters of the Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) unit in Brussels on Digital Skills and the Future Internet. The workshop was attended by senior FIRE representatives including the unit’s Head and Deputy Head as well…

Augmenting the world (at MIT media labs)

Last week saw the chair of the IEEE standards association working group on Augmented Reality Learning Experience Models, KMi’s own Fridolin Wild, present vision and working plan, while also kicking off the initial use case collection. Hosted by the MIT media labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the AR community meeting brought together the global experts in…

FORGE Wins Hottest Pitch at NetFutures 15

NetFutures is the main event for EU research and innovation under DG Connect and had over 1,000 attendees this year. The main event was opened by Commissioner Guenther H. Oettinger, followed by Arnis Daugulis, Deputy Secretary of State for Latvia and Sara Mazur, Vice President and Head of Research, Ericsson. During this opening session the…