Harith Alani

ROBUST is launched

On November 14th, Harith Alani, Yulan He, and Matthew Rowe, travelled to Koblenz in Germany to attend the kick-off meeting of the new ROBUST project. ROBUST is a 3 year, €6.8M EU project with a consortium of 10 partners from 6 countries. Online communities have emerged in all areas of society, and their use is…

Keynote at SDoW 2011 workshop

KMi Senior Lecturer Harith Alani gave a keynote at the 3rd Social Data on the Web workshop which was collocated with the 9th International Semantic Web Conference in Shanghai last week. In his talk, Dr Alani highlighted the rapidly expanding market for integrating social and sensor data networks, and described the latest results of his…

ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference

Dr Harith Alani from KMi gave an invited talk at the European Science Foundation conference (ESF-COST) on Future Internet and Society: A Complex Systems Perspective. The conference took place on 1-7 October, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is one of the longest-running European instruments supporting cooperation among scientists and…

Live Social Semantics at ESWC2010

Following the successful deployment of the Live Social Semantics application at ESWC 2009 and at HyperText 2009, Dr Harith Alani from KMi, along with collaborators from SocioPatterns and City University, were invited to relaunch the Live Social Semantics application at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) which took place in Crete, May 31-June 3,…