Chris Valentine

Dave Bradbury Leaves

Popular researcher Dave Bradbury today leaves KMi, his seventh position at the Open University, for a job in Oxford. “I always get drink” quips Dave on receiving a bottle of Glenfiddich malt scotch from Trevor Collins, together with a book, a box of chocolates, and a few John Lewis tokens.


GPS has been crying out for decent recreational uses since its invention – now its here (or should that be &#39everywhere&#39?). “A GPS device and a hunger for adventure are all you need for high tech treasure hunting. Here you can find the latest caches ind in this fun and exciting sport.” Related Links: Geocaching…

First PDA Virus Emerges

The first virus designed specifically to attack machines running the version of Windows for Pocket PCs has been reported. Called &#39Duts&#39, apparently it does no damage and is only a &#39proof of concept&#39. Well, that&#39s nice, isn&#39t it? Related Links: BBC News story

Tim Berners-Lee received Knighthood

Credited by many as “the father of the web” Tim Berners-Lee today received a Knighthood from the Queen. He crafted the original hypertext language to make it easier for scientists to share their research across a fledgling computer network. Tim received an honourary degree in the OU&#39s first Virtual Degree ceremony held at the end…

AVI Video to Flash tool

Macromedia have a new tool for converting video files (amongst other things) to Flash video: “…optimized for converting raster and vector images, animated GIFs, and video files to SWF format movies. The advantage to using RoboDemo is that you can combine those elements in any manner and add other elements, such as sound files, captions,…

Microsoft to launch hi-tech Webcam

i2i, in development at Microsoft Research labs, Cambridge UK, is a two-camera system which follows a person&#39s movement. It uses specially-developed algorithms to fuse what each camera sees to create an accurate stereo “cyclopean” image, meaning that it looks as if users are looking each other in the eye. Related Links: Full BBC News articlei2i:…

First Private Space Mission Makes History

SpaceShipOne, the first private manned spacecraft, made a flawless takeoff over the Mojave Desert this morning on its way into the history books. The rocket plane was carried aloft under the belly of its carrier jet, White Knight, for an hour long ascent. The craft, built by aviation pioneer Burt Rutan, aiming to reach 100km…

First Private Space Mission Makes History

SpaceShipOne, the first private manned spacecraft, made a flawless takeoff over the Mojave Desert this morning on its way into the history books. The rocket plane was carried aloft under the belly of its carrier jet, White Knight, for an hour long ascent. The craft, built by aviation pioneer Burt Rutan, aiming to reach 100km…

UK WiFi Hotspots

Looking for a WiFi hotspot in the UK? Use ZDNet UK&#39s Wi-Fi map to find wireless hot spots across Great Britain. This frequently updated map, based on Ordnance Survey&#39s MasterMap, gives street-level information of which hotels, railway stations, cafes and kiosks offer Wi-Fi today. Related Links: ZDNet UK&#39s Wi-Fi map

ROSTRA Wows Vienna ProLearn Meeting

KMi members Dr Kevin Quick and Chris Valentine flew to Vienna Sunday to present the ROSTRA news dissemination system to other members of &#39ProLearn&#39, a network of excellence for professional learning. The meeting focused on issues of integration and dissemination. The prospect of including some aspect of News and the KMi Rostra system into the…