Alexander Mikroyannidis

Tapping into your personal curiosity: Workshop at PLE 2014

Alexander Mikroyannidis delivered a workshop last week at the PLE 2014 conference, which took place in Tallinn, Estonia. The Personal Learning Environments (PLE) conference is an annual event bringing together PLE researchers, educators and practitioners for a lively exchange of ideas, practices and visions. The workshop was entitled "Tapping into your personal curiosity: Personal Learning Environments…

Special Issue: Cloud Education Environments

Alexander Mikroyannidis is the guest editor of the special issue on Cloud Education Environments published by the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Together with Rocael Hernandez Rizzardini, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Carlos Delgado Kloos and Lee Chao, they have compiled a selection of publications, showcasing theoretical frameworks and practical applications in the emerging topic of education on the…

A successful first review for weSPOT

The weSPOT project had last week its first annual review in Luxembourg. Alexander Mikroyannidis represented the KMi team, which consists of him, Alexandra Okada and Peter Scott. The review was succesful, with the first year project outcomes being accepted by the Commission. The project focuses on inquiry-based learning with a theoretically sound and technology supported…

Personal Learning Environments for Inquiry-Based Learning

Alexander Mikroyannidis presented KMi’s latest work on Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) for Inquiry-Based Learning last week at the PLE conference in Berlin. The event was well attended and was broadcasted live. The PLE conference is an annual international scientific conference delivering a space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences and research around the…

KMi delivers the 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments

The 2nd annual International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2013) took place on May 7 in Aachen, Germany. The event was organised and delivered by Alexander Mikroyannidis (KMi), Hans-Christian Schmitz (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Germany) and Rocael Hernandez (Galileo University, Guatemala). This year, WCLOUD was a shared event between the 5th International Conference on…

weSPOT meets in Leuven

The weSPOT project held its first General Assembly in Leuven, Belgium last week. The meeting took place in conjunction with the International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 2013). weSPOT is a 3-year FP7 project, which started last October. The project aims at propagating scientific inquiry as the approach for science learning and teaching in combination…

KMi sponsors the 4th ROLE Widget Enchantment Contest

The ROLE Widget Enchantment Contests have been an open invitation to people (educators, learners, developers, etc) that are interested in developing and using widgets for learning purposes. The ROLE project has run 4 such contests, supporting the participants in realising their widget ideas with the use of the ROLE Software Development Kit (SDK). The 4th…

Learn how you can benefit from the ROLE project

The ROLE project has released a new video, outlining its scope and outcomes. Several project partners, among them Peter Scott and Alexander Mikroyannidis, talk about their experiences in the project. The achievements of ROLE are explained, as well as how one can benefit from them. A lot of the filming for this video was done…

Best practices from ROLE at the E-Learn 2012

The World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education (E-Learn) took place in Montreal, Canada last week. KMi and the ROLE project were represented by Alexander Mikroyannidis. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented a paper co-authored with Teresa Connolly about the lessons learned and the best practices from the Open University test-bed of the ROLE…

OpenScout successfully completed

The final review of the OpenScout project took place yesterday in Luxembourg. The review was very successful, with an outcome of “excellent progress” for the project. The project officer and the reviewers commended the consortium on fostering the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in management education and training. Alexander Mikroyannidis presented the outcomes of the…