Alex Little

Victory for the KMi rounders team

A friendly rounders game between KMi and IET resulted in an 11-9 1/2 victory for KMi. The game nearly had to be abondoned after the first ball after Sam (IET) managed to break the bat in half with his first strike. Fortunately his team-mate Kevin always carries insulation tape with him, so a quick tape-the-bat-back-together…

Moodling in Italian

Alex Little, a KMi developer on the OpenLearn project, was invited to give one of the opening presentations at the Italian MoodleMoot2008 in Padova last week. The event was attended by over 200 teachers and lecturers from across Italy from a wide variety of subject disciplines, all using Moodle for their online course delivery. Alex…

Social Networking for the Voluntary Sector

This weekend sees the launch of a new social networking site "Volunteer Passport" for the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV). KMi developer Alex Little has been volunteering for BTCV helping to develop and launch the site. The site is based on the ELGG platform and provides ePortfolio facilities for the charities key volunteers, allowing…

MSG launches Presence Maps

Geographical presence maps are now available in MSG on both of the OpenLearn websites, LearningSpace and LabSpace. The MSG Presence Maps use the Google Maps API and allow users to see where their contacts are located, their current presence state and, if online, the option to chat to the user with a single click. Anyone…

MSG source code available

The source code for MSG is now available for developers to download and install on their own servers. MSG is a Web 2.0 application that allows you to access basic Instant Messaging functionality within a standard web browser. This makes it ideal for use in environments where software can not be installed, or on networks…