This years “jewel in the crown” of the Prolearn Network of Excellence, the Summer School, was in Bled Slovenia June 5-9 2006. This hugely successful event attracts top European students of Technology Enhanced Professional Learning.
This year's event was unusual in a number of ways…
See the guy in the front of the raft with the white beard? Well, that is Ambjorn Naeve from KTH, Sweden. Ambjorn's passion for conceptual modelling had everyone at the School building models of their world and thoughts in UML! Don't believe it? Check out his webcast!
That is also an unusual feature of this event; that as part of our Prolearn outreach we are trying to have all our EU partners able to webcast as easily as we do… so in this summer school the keys to the Prolearn Stadium were handed over to our partners in Slovenia, IJS. It was they who webcast the plenaries… all on-the-record and for reuse!
Finally, there was extensive use of new media throughout the session – check out the student Vlogs!
Related Links:
- The Prolearn Academy Portal : SummerSchool 2006
- The Summer School Webcasts
- Summer School Student Vlogs