£650K Organizational Learning Project Launched

Today marks the official start of a £650K KMi-led European project entitled "ENRICH: Enriching representations of work to support organizational learning." The project, conceived and written by KMi’s Tammy Sumner, John Domingue, and Zdenek Zdrahal, will bring more than £300K directly into KMi. The full ENRICH project, to be managed by Dr. Zdrahal, will support a team of 4 KMi researchers and ancillary staff to integrate and rollout our existing efforts on knowledge management, knowledge representation, digital document discourse environments, and visualization.
The key goal of ENRICH is to develop tools and methodologies supporting organisational learning addressing three core business needs:
(a) Supporting individuals and groups to continuously reflect on and improve work practices.
(b) Supporting distributed groups to share ‘best practices’ and improve their coordination efforts.
(c) Promoting the establishment of ‘virtual centres of excellence’ that serve to identify core competencies and nurture their development by bringing people together (across time and geography) with relevant expertise.
Project details


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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