Webcast links key HE policymakers

A live Webcast from KMi on Thursday 4th September linked some two dozen University Pro-Vice-Chancellors charged with steering policy on the use of new technologies in education. The event was the first of three phases of the ongoing ‘Learning.Org’ conference, created by Professor Diana Laurillard, The Open University’s PVC (Technology Development).

Learning.Org is designed as a forum for senior management staff with particular responsibility for the overall strategic direction of the use of IT in teaching and learning within their university. The overall aim is to share practice and experience on the introduction of new technologies into teaching and learning.

The Learning.Org Conference is planned as a multi-site, three-stage event, using the Web to optimise its value to participants.

STAGE 1: On 4th September a half-day Web-based plenary session occurred, using Internet broadcast technologies to deliver 3 slide-based presentations, including on-line participation from delegates’ desktops. The three featured presenters were:

  • Professor John Arbuthnott, Vice-Chancellor, Strathclyde University, Chair of JISC, member of the Dearing Committee and Chair of its IT Working Group.
  • Professor David Chiddick, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, De Montfort University, member of the Staff and Cost Effectiveness Working Group of the Dearing Committee.
  • Professor Diana Laurillard, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Open University, member of the Dearing Committee, and of the IT, and the Staff and Cost Effectiveness Working Groups.

Some two dozen key policymakers in similar positions from Universitites around the UK participated in the webcast, engaging in lively online discussion and debate, which will continue during the next two stages.

STAGE 2: During the following two weeks delegates will be able to access the website, which will maintain the Stage One event and collect and display new comments using KMi’s D3E discussion environment.

STAGE 3: On 26th September, a one-day meeting will be held at The Open University in Milton Keynes, organised as group discussion sessions around topics emerging from the two previous stages, and ending with a plenary session on ways forward.

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