The Future of Research Communication

KMi’s Simon Buckingham Shum and Anna De Liddo spent an intensive 4 days in Germany last week working with leading figures to envisage the future of research communication.

Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics is a premier venue for hosting invitational informatics workshops. “FORC: The Future of Research Communication” was a Perspectives Workshop, bringing together leading people from academia, libraries and publishing.

Together with slides from various talks, the joint outcome will be a white paper designed to catalyse action to open up scholarly publishing and catalyse new collaborations around the socio-technical infrastructure needed to evolve a system which is increasingly not fit for purpose for the tackling the complex, urgent challenges of today (to borrow Doug Engelbart’s phrase, from 1962).

The future technical infrastructure will bring the “consumers” and peers closer to researchers as people, and the materials of their research (data, models, workflows, arguments, etc), using the wealth of channels and media now available.


KMi’s pioneering work since the late 1990s into social, semantic scholarly publishing and internet argumentation has established it as one of the leaders in the field (e.g. the Journal of Interactive Media in Education; the EPSRC Scholarly Ontologies Project; the Hewlett Foundation Cohere Project).

Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics:

(German: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH) is the world’s premier venue for informatics. World-class scientists, promising young researchers, and practioners come together to exchange their knowledge and to discuss their research findings. The Center promotes fundamental and applied research, continuing and advanced academic education, and the transfer of knowledge between those involved in the research side and application side of informatics. The key instruments for promoting research are the Dagstuhl Seminars and the Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, which bring together internationally renowned leading scientists for the purpose of exploring a cutting-edge informatics topic. The friendly and open climate at the conference center promotes a culture of communication and exchange among the seminar participants.

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