ServiceCORE project has started

ServiceCORE is a follow up project of CORE funded by JISC. The project aims at developing a nation-wide service for searching, navigating and accessing Open Access publications stored across 143 British institutional repositories. The CORE system is unique in its way to use text-mining and linked data to connect and interlink semantically similar publications at the level of full-texts. Within ServiceCORE this functionality will be extended also to metadata records.

The fact that KMI has been funded to extend the current CORE system with new functionalities and to establish it as a British service is a great challenge as well as an acknowledgment of the CORE success and wide impact. Please read this news story to see what JISC says about CORE:

The ServiceCORE project benefits from a very strong Advisory Board represented by members of OpenDOAR, UKOLN, MIMAS and The European Library.

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