Rutgers workshop on social and collaborative information seeking

PhD student Simon Knight has just returned from a week at the School of Communications and Information at Rutgers University where he was an invited attendee of the DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) funded Workshop on Social and Collaborative Information Seeking (SCIS) held under the auspices of the Special Focus on Information Sharing and Dynamic Data Analysis. The workshop was an opportunity for interdisciplinary researchers to present their work around SCIS and discuss future development of research agendas, collaborations, funding, and the general development of the field.

The week also provided more time to work with collaborators in Chirag Shah’s collaborative information seeking lab and opportunities to talk with colleagues in Clark Chinn’s epistemic cognition group in the Graduate School of Education. This included giving a demo of the Coagmento tool (jointly with Matt Mitsui from Chirag’s group), developed in Chirag’s lab, and used in Simon’s research on epistemic cognition in information seeking. The week also included a celebratory event at the ASIS&T Distinguished Lecturer award presention to Michael Buckland who talked on “Information Science Past and Future: A Personal View” giving insight into the development of the field over his years in the field.

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