<p>EU H2020 project to develop advanced method for detecting and measuring violent radicalisation behaviour on social media. </p>

OU Receives Grant to Combat False COVID-19 Information

KMi’s Harith Alani, Professor of Web Science and leader of the Social Data Science group, has received a grant of €393,000 from a European Union (EU) emergency fund to track the spread of misinformation about coronavirus (COVID-19) on social media platforms. Harith and his team will track the extent of misinformation about COVID-19 in social…

WIRED Magazine Interviews KMI researchers

This week, WIRED Magazine released an article covering KMI’s ongoing work about networked misogyny and misogynistic language online. WIRED reporters interviewed KMi researchers in response to a paper delivered at the WebSci19 conference (Sunday June 30th – Wednesday July 3rd, Boston, USA). Authors Tracie Farrell, Miriam Fernandez and Harith Alani, along with associated researcher Jakub…