Project: QualiChain

<p>Decentralised Qualifications’ Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation</p>

Open Blockchain presented to the W3C Credentials Group

On July 13th 2020, the work of the Open Blockchain group was presented to the W3C Credentials Community Group. John Domingue, Allan Third, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Niaz Chowdhury and Mano Ramachandran joined a conference call between all members of the W3C group and presented their latest work on Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains. In particular, John and Allan presented…

QualiChain passes first review with flying colours

The first formal review of the QualiChain project took place on June 18th, 2020. The review was held online and was attended by representatives from all project partners, the Project Officer, two external reviewers, as well as DG CONNECT representatives. The review was a complete success, with the reviewers and the Project Officer commending the…

QualiChain at the 9th eSTEeM conference

The 9th eSTEeM conference took place online on April 29-30, 2020. The conference is organised annually by the Open University, UK. Entitled "Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice", this year’s programme has been a mix of short orals, workshops and poster presentations, showcasing scholarship work conducted by STEM colleagues. Alexander Mikroyannidis represented KMi…

QualiChain publishes special track proceedings

Alexander Mikroyannidis has co-edited the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020). The eLmL 2020 proceedings include the papers of the QualiChain Special Track on “Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain”. Project partners have contributed 6 papers that describe the context and goals of the QualiChain pilots, the key research questions…

Kicking off the Decentralised Web

KMi researchers are among the leaders of a new group of academics, aDecentWeb, which aims to create a web where individuals and organisations remain in control. John Domingue and Allan Third co-chaired the group’s first Decent(ralised) Web Symposium held in Vienna on 17th January 2020. The event was restricted to 200 attendees drawn from a…

One to Watch! KMi Director’s TEDx Talk

KMi Director, John Domingue’s, TEDx Talk ‘A Blockchain-based decentralised university‘ is available on TEDx Talks on YouTube. John was one of 24 selected speakers for the very first TEDxOpenUniversity event which was held on 8 November 2019 in Milton Keynes. The theme of the event was ‘Imagine What’s Next’ and it attracted over 22,000 viewers either…

The Open Education Global 2019 conference: Open Education for an Open Future

The Open Education Global Conference (OE Global 2019) took place in Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy on November 26-28. The OE Global conference is the most internationally diverse conference devoted exclusively to open education, attracting researchers, practitioners, policy makers, educators and students from more than 35 countries to discuss and explore how Open Education advances…

KMi, the first 25 years

At the 25th Anniversary KMi Festival we invited staff from across the OU campus to come and find out how our latest knowledge and media technologies are impacting education, science, and cities.  The Festival attendees included Lady Kitty Chisholm, one of the three founders of KMi, the STEM Executive Dean, Nick Braithwaite, and the new…

KMi and QualiChain at the EADTU 2019 conference

The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference (OOFHEC2019) took place on October 16-18 in Madrid, Spain. This is the flagship annual event of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Europe’s leading institutional association in online, open and flexible higher education. This year’s event was hosted by the National Distance Education University (UNED)…

QualiChain meets in Madrid

The consortium of the QualiChain project has met in Madrid, Spain on September 19-20, 2019. Representatives from all project partners spent two days discussing the latest project developments and planning their next activities. The QualiChain project targets the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education and employment qualifications….