Project: CORE

<p>The world’s largest collection of open access research papers</p>

CORE organised and presented two workshops for the OpenMinTeD project

  During 25 – 27 October OpenMinTeD participated in the FORCE2017 Research Communication and e-Scholarship conference that brings together a diverse group of people interested in changing the way in which scholarly and scientific information is communicated and shared.   On Friday October 27th the OpenMinTeD partners held two workshops, one on “How to improve…

WOSP2017 – Touchdown Toronto

Since 2012, members of KMi’s CORE team, headed by Petr Knoth, have orchestrated the WOSP (Workshop On mining Scientific Publications) held each year as a part of JCDL (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Previously held in locations as diverse as London and Indianapolis, this year the 6th annual international WOSP workshop took place at the…

CORE now offers 5 millions of open access full-text research papers

CORE, a harvesting service that aggregates open access content from open access journals and repositories from all over the world, currently provides 5 millions of open access full-text papers. “In the last year, we have managed to scale up our harvesting process. This enabled us to significantly increase the amount of open access content we…

CORE wins Best Poster Award at the Open Repositories Conference #OR2016

Last week, the CORE team attended the 11th Annual Conference on Open Repositories, an international conference addressed mainly to subject and institutional repository managers, focusing on open access, open data and open science tools, projects and services. At the conference the team had six submissions: 1. A workshop presentation on “How can repositories support the…

CORE had 6 proposals accepted at the Open Repositories 2016 Conference

In this year’s Open Repositories 2016 Conference, an international conference addressed to the scholarly communications community with a focus on repositories, open access, open data and open science, CORE had 6 items accepted;  1 Paper, 1 Repository Rave presentation, 1 Workshop, 1 Poster and 2 showcases in the Developer Track and Ideas Challenge. In our presentations we…

Responsible Research Metrics

At this year’s Jisc DigiFest Dr. Petr Knoth was invited to sit on a panel discussing Responsible Research Metrics. This panel was organised in the context of the recently published Metrics Tide report commissioned by HEFCE, which looked into issues surrounding the use of quantitative research metrics in REF. The other two panelists were Prof. Stephen Curry…

Petr Knoth is featured in a free ebook on Text Analytics

The ebook "Text Analytics: 28 Experts Share How to Achieve Business Value" (download page) gives insights into how large industries are exploiting big unstructured data to drive business value. The free eBook was created to demonstrate the benefits of text analytics to a vast array of companies, customer intelligence professionals, and marketers.  In this ebook Dr….