Person: Viktoriia Pavlenko

<p>Viktoriia Pavlenko</p>

Access the worlds research outputs through the CORE API

On Thursday 13th January 2022, Petr Knoth, Head of CORE and Matteo Cancellieri, Lead Developer, gave a webinar describing the new CORE APIv3 features. There were  72  attendees. In the first part, we introduced new features in the API, and the second part provided live coding examples followed by answering questions from the audience.  Read…

How does CORE substitute Microsoft Academic Graph?

The forest chatter has been clamorous since Microsoft’s announcement to retire Microsoft Academic (MAG) at the end of 2021. Like many others, at CORE, we have used MAG for a number of tasks including data quality enhancement and enrichment, to obtain citation data, for our research in semantic typing of citations and to enrich MAG and Microsoft…

Partnership Announcement: ADRI and CORE

We’re delighted to announce a new partnership between CORE and Arabic Digital Reform Institute (ADRI), providing services to researchers to store, share and access Arabic academia online. The partnership will provide ADRI with unlimited access to millions of open access articles to provide research platform and repository services to academics all over the world.  The detailed…

APIv3: Announcing a new API to access CORE data

 Since the start (10 years ago!) CORE’s mission has been to aggregate and facilitate access to Open Access scientific research at an unprecedented scale to both humans and machines. To achieve this aim, we are always refining and improving our methods for access and use of the CORE data.    A key consideration in making…