Person: Matteo Cancellieri

<p>Matteo Cancellieri</p>

Partnership Announcement: ADRI and CORE

We’re delighted to announce a new partnership between CORE and Arabic Digital Reform Institute (ADRI), providing services to researchers to store, share and access Arabic academia online. The partnership will provide ADRI with unlimited access to millions of open access articles to provide research platform and repository services to academics all over the world.  The detailed…

APIv3: Announcing a new API to access CORE data

 Since the start (10 years ago!) CORE’s mission has been to aggregate and facilitate access to Open Access scientific research at an unprecedented scale to both humans and machines. To achieve this aim, we are always refining and improving our methods for access and use of the CORE data.    A key consideration in making…

CORE updates for January to June 2021

Much of CORE Team’s focus involves developing services that underpin open research. The updates for this half-year include numerous examples of this in action. You can find details about these and more news on the Jisc Research blog. Related Links: Read more.

Second SDP 3C Shared Task – Evaluating Automated Methods for Citation Classification

The need for administering automated methods for evaluating research is gaining more attention lately. The primary motivation for this is to replace the regular, more exhausting exercises like peer-reviewing and the not so sophisticated, less accepted ways of ranking research works like Impact Factors, which solely depends on the citation-frequency. One such proposition is the…

CORE update for October to December 2020

October to December 2020 CORE broke records, partnered with and continued improving our REF2021 compliance monitoring service. The CORE team had a busy end to 2020!  Our team concentrated on multiple areas, including collaboration with the open access community and new feature development. Find out more details on Jisc Research Blog.

CORE PubMed collaborate for further full text dissemination

CORE provides access to freely available full text papers which were previously unavailable in PubMed to enhance the experience of its users. This is delivered via the LinkOut service. Read the CORE blog post to find out more about this integration. Continue reading on the Open Research blog.

KMI’s CORE update for July to September 2020

KMI’s CORE team continues to work on improving the CORE. This period was a highly productive period for CORE in terms of growing and developing our products. Find more in the blog post. Related Links: Find more in the blog post

KMi’s CORE organises the first 3C Citation Context Classification shared task

The first edition of the shared task organised by the researchers at CORE, Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), The Open University, UK featured the classification of citations for research impact analysis. The new shared task, known as the 3C Citation Context Classification task, organised as part of the 8th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP),…