Person: Elia Tomadaki

<p>Elia Tomadaki</p>

Open content, tools, sustainability and licensing

The Open Education 2007 conference, held in Utah University, focused on ‘localizing and learning’. Apart from Europe, UK and USA, open education is now provided in a variety of developing countries, such as India, Nepal and several Himalayan villages. Interestingly, open content licensing is strict in several European countries, which leaves the UK at the…

What happens to our attention metadata?

The ACM IEEE joint conference on Digital Libraries was held in Vancouver 19-23 June 2007. The ‘hot’ topics focused on information extraction and profile matching, eye tracking to detect user’s attention, geo-location applications, collaborative tagging, mining citations and online photo sharing. Interestingly, Web 2.0 tools, such as CiteSeer,, digg and flickr were very popular…

Using Technology to Reduce the Carbon Footprint

The overwhelming majority of world scientists have recognised that global warming is a man-made reality, an escalating threat to life on Earth and the greatest challenge that has ever faced humanity. In order to limit the devastating effects of global warming, the carbon dioxide emissions that are causing it must be drastically reduced within the…