Person: Andrew Vasilyev

<p>Andrew Vasilyev</p>

CORE Membership launching soon!

CORE (, a not-for-profit service delivered by The Open University in partnership with Jisc, has been serving the scholarly community since 2011 and in that time has experienced phenomenal growth in every way. CORE collates Open Access research from over 10,500 data providers across the world and is now the largest collection of open access…

CORE: Our commitment to The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) offer a set of guidelines by which open scholarly infrastructure organisations and initiatives that support the research community can be operated and sustained. In this post, we demonstrate CORE’s commitment to adhere to these principles and show our current progress in achieving these aims. The principles are divided…

CORE update for January to March 2022

The first quarter of the new year was very productive for the CORE team with a number of new releases.  First, we have been working hard on improving the user interface and experience of the website and its performance on technical, visual communication and usability levels. In January, we released a new homepage and redesigned the CORE services…