Person: Advaith Siddharthan

<p>Advaith Siddharthan</p>

A new doctor in the house!

  Congratulations on Trung Huynh’s viva success! Last Friday, Trung Huynh successfully defended his PhD thesis Text Classification With Deep Neural Networks. The thesis is a body of research work over the last six years culminating in a successful system that identifies documents pertaining to Adverse Drug Reactions in corpora as diverse as tweets and…

Athena Swan Award Success!

The Knowledge Media Institute is delighted to be among the successful applicants announced by The Equality Challenge Unit for the November 2017 award round.  Our Athena SWAN Bronze Award will be presented at an awards ceremony to be held at Swansea University on 16 July 2018. Dr Miriam Fernandez, who led KMi’s submission said “This…

Best Paper at NLDB 2017

A paper coauthored by new KMi member,  Advaith Siddharthan,  ex-KMi member Chenghua Lin and their PhD student Mohamad Barawi was awarded the best paper award at the 22nd International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems – NLDB 2017 (17% acceptance rate for full papers). The extended version of the paper below will be published in…