Alexandra Okada and Alexander Mikroyannidis from KMi organised an international workshop at the ED-MEDIA conference on June 29th in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop was entitled “Social networking for collaborative authoring, adapting and sharing of Open Educational Resources” and was related to the work currently being undertaken within the OpenScout project. The workshop organisers introduced participants to the notion of social networking for supporting the collaborative adaptation of open educational resources (OER) and showcased the OpenScout tool library as a proof of concept. The participants had a chance to discuss the challenges involved in localising, adapting and improving existing educational materials on the web, as well as share OER tools and repositories through the tool library. Alexandra and Alexander also delivered a demonstration of OpenScout technologies during the Poster/Demo session of ED-MEDIA.
Alexander Mikroyannidis represented KMi and the OU at the workshop organised by the ROLE project on July 7th in Athens, Georgia, USA in conjunction with ICALT 2011. The workshop’s topic was Self-Regulated Learning in Responsive Open Learning Environments (SRL-ROLE). Apart from paper presentations, the workshop featured group discussions between attendees regarding the main challenges around SRL, both from the teacher’s and the learner’s perspective.
Related Links:
- ED-MEDIA 2011
- ICALT 2011
- The SRL-ROLE workshop
- The OpenScout project
- The OpenScout tool library
- The ROLE project
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