NeOn Meeting at KMi – Launch of Semantic Web tool Survey

NeOn partners gathered from July 4th to 6th 2006 for their second Plenary Meeting, hosted by KMi. The focus of the meeting was for the workgroups to review the progress made during the first four months of the project, and to consolidate their work plans. In addition, a key factor identified for the project&#39s success, was the need for a market-facing approach from the very outset. Towards this goal, Richard V. Benjamins, representing industrial partner, iSOCO, outlined the initial market research & analysis currently being undertaken to monitor the penetration of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies in different markets. A concrete outcome of this initial analysis is the launch of a larger-scale information gathering study about what kind of Semantic Web applications are currently offered in which particular markets. You can register your own application in this study simply by filling in a short questionnaire.

In order to get a broader coverage on Semantic Web applications in the current markets, and to obtain the information &#39straight from the front lines&#39, we have prepared a short questionnaire, which your company or institution could use to register your Semantic Web application. The objective of this data gathering is to get a realistic idea of how many and what type of Semantic Web applications are out there on the market, and what particular general purpose they may serve. The information gathered using the questionnaire is subject to data protection and it will be treated confidentially; i.e. the inputs you provide will not be published or distributed in any way that may identify your company without your prior consent.

Please, download the template form to register your Semantic Web application, fill it in, and send it back to us on

Summarizing the meeting outcomes, Project Coordinator, Prof. Enrico Motta concluded that significant progress has already been made towards defining the functionality requirements of the NeOn vision, and that the project is well on it&#39s way to achieving its early milestones. The Consortium will meet next in October, in Madrid.

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