Following the successful deployment of the Live Social Semantics application at ESWC 2009 and at HyperText 2009, Dr Harith Alani from KMi, along with collaborators from SocioPatterns and City University, were invited to relaunch the Live Social Semantics application at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) which took place in Crete, May 31-June 3, 2010.
The Live Social Semantics application seamlessly gathers and integrates information from the social web, the semantic web, and from active RFID sensors that detects face-to-face contacts. The application aims to support conference attendees to network, to learn about each other, and to log their real-world social contacts in real time.
The application was very well received at ESWC 2010, and it was used by more than 130 of the conference delegates.